Monday, November 26, 2007


Okay, so I am way behind on updating the blog, but I do have lots of pictures and things to come. For now, some random thoughts on Thanksgiving:
*We drove from Cincy to Memphis. We were in the car for 11 minutes before we had to pull over and 17 minutes before someone asked when we were going to get there. We stopped at two Barrels and Corkys. We all needed Lipitor.
*If you are traveling with kids, Embassy Suites rocks. In the Memphis location, there were ducks (it's no Peabody) but the boys got a kick out of it.
*From the it's a small world department, we ran into the Calhouns at the hotel. Barry went to college with them and then we stayed with them in Atlanta when we had our wedding shower there. The last time we saw them was 13 years ago and they are just as fabulous now as they were then.
*We had a great time with Barry's parents and some of my family. It's so cool that I married someone from a town where I have some family.
*I don't sleep particularly well with any members of my family right now. Barry snores, Matty head butts and Joshie gropes.
*I had a book light with me to read in the dark and a headlamp with me to knit in the dark. Barry did not find the headlamp sexy. He kept asking if I wanted to go splunking. Well, we were driving all the way through Kentucky.
*Just when you thought our diet couldn't get any worse, we ate at the Log Cabin (fried catfish) and McDonald's on the way home. Keep the Lipitor comin'.
*The boys slept 15 minutes in the car - the last 15 minutes of the entire trip.

Hope you have lots to be grateful for - we do!


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